Hi There! It in the low 40s with winds about 20 mph gusting somewhat more than that. Hey, there was time to get in some casting practice. It wasn't all that bad if you had the appropriate clothing. I thought I did until the rain came. I stuck it out for as long as I cared to before the wind and rain got the better of me. When those cold fingers were having issues it was time to go home and warm up.
I've got to say that things were really impressive when I arrived. It was nice that I had the whole pond to myself. Most intelligent folks probably wouldn't be outdoors in this weather. I on the other hand was motivated to try a few new things out. First of all was the new lizard bait on 2/0 worm hook. Thought I might try something really different as my previous bait combinations were not so interesting as of late. I saw that a package of the lizards was not too far beyond the traditional worm costs so I got a package. While at the super store, I thought about how effective those wide gap hooks have been. While I've done ok with the smaller hooks, it might be time for something larger.
Wow, that was a good choice for this afternoon. My first cast out and as soon as it hit the water, the line started moving laterally. I got the bail closed and reared back on it. Wow! Yeah that really is the only thought that ran through my mind. It was only an 11 inch LMB but it totally took the bait into its mouth with that large gap worm hook fully penetrating the side corner of the jaw membrane. Wow, what a way to start out my cast practice. It was good to dial in to what works.
I made a few casts with the spinner bait and skirted jig with no interest. I eventually made it back to the lizard bait and got a light peck at one point. I suspect it was a small sunfish hitting on one of the appendages. I figured it was time to try another area. So a few steps down the way I'm near another likely spot. I make the toss with the unweighted lizard fighting the wind the whole time in flight. It hits the water and again instantly gets attention from something. Unfortunately something small and not even able to haul out any line with it. Again it is more of the little pecking action. Hey, at least there is interest.
I eventually make my way over toward the deeper water near the dam. Somehow magically all those floating clumps of algae have sunk or disappeared from sight. I'm able to get to one of my historically successful spots. I hold my cast for a launch between gusts. Being on the down wind side of things I can see the gust patterns on the surface of the water. There is a slight lull and the lizard is sent on its way. I'm struggling with closing the bail in time to keep the tailing line from being blown into the snags. As I'm winding in it seems that the line is moving and the slack is really being taken out quick. Yup, I had help. I tighten up quick and this is a good one as the load on the pole tells me it is bigger. This one decides to haul out towards open water and dive down hard. It isn't till I get it near shore that it decides to get out of the water for a good head shaking session. Eventually there was enough of that and I needed to bring this playing to a close. The hook slides out easily as right after the initial fish I clamped down on the hook barb with my pliers to make life a bit easier and increase the sporting value too. This fish also obligated to inhale the entire lizard. My initial thought was the lizard bait was thrashed to bits and was torn off the hook. However, when trying to get at the hook the lizard was all scrunched up and inside the mouth and part way in the gullet. I had to give a gentle tug to get the tail end cleared. Wow! The 12 inch LMB was very healthy and aggressive. Cool!
That tussle made enough commotion that I was not surprised that I was not going to get any more takers in that area. Also the wind and rain now ramped up on me. It was time to either get or get over to the other side of the pond if I was going to be able to make any casts with this unweighted bait.
Upon arrival on the opposite side of the pond, I decided to send one right into the reeds near a deeper spot. Once again, the line started moving about right after entry into the water. Wow! This one was even more surprising as it was not a LMB it was a green sunfish, a big one about 9 inches long and it too had the whole lizard in its mouth. Wow!
The remainder of my time was not that interesting as the light rain was increased to a full out rain and the wind put a serious chill on my exposed hands. It was getting tough to get the fingers to work well. Time to head home and get comfortable. Not bad for a short trip out and trying some new things. Fun was had.
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